K2 Charlotte Lam
K2 Chong Tsz Him Amos Third place K2 Yau Po Suen First prize
K2 KAM YUET KIU Copper Award K2 NG HEI LAAM Copper Award K2 LAM YAT YAN Copper Award K2 LUK YAN LOK ENOCH Copper Award
Arts Education Award–Outstanding Award 《玩。藝術;賞。童心》 The Church of Christ in China Tuen Mun Church Educational Organizations (The Church of Christ in China Tuen Mun Church Kindergarten / Nursery, The Church of Christ in China Tuen Mun No. 2 Kindergarten) were awarded with the “Award for Arts Education in School 2017” of the “Hong Kong Arts Development Awards”. “Arts and Creativity” is a major area of development our organizations are striving for. “Play. In Arts; Young. At Heart’ Project valued the pleasure that children derived from arts. Children were expected to fall in love with arts by playing and display their heart through arts. The project consisted of arts jamming in group and massive arts classes in which children were exposed to the world of arts. In addition, we also offered training and workshops in arts for teachers and parents alike to draw their interest and engagement in artistic activities. The “Young. At Heart” Arts Exhibition took place at Tuen Mun Town Hall between 7 and 10 October 2017 where the masterpieces of our children were displayed. Over 800 pieces of work were showcased in the event which drew parents, professionals of early childhood education, and community members alike. Our experience of developing arts education in school was shared in the kick-off ceremony. There were over 1,100 visitors in total. And the event was considered successful in promoting arts education in early childhood.
K3 Chan Ka Man The Best Colours K3 Yiu Si Kit Kingsley The Most Creative
K3 Cheung Wan Kin Silver Award K2 Ng Wan Silver Award
K3 Chan Hoi Ying Second Merit K3 Cheung Chin Yan Second Merit